SUMASA is the name of the volunteer student organization that’s part of the MS in Sustainability Management at Columbia University (where I study and now work as well :-)) They always plan fun events including a weekly happy hour and I always feel bad to miss it. So when they announced an all day scavenger hunt around NYC, I was thrilled because it was a perfect day to be outdoor, exploring NYC is one of my all time past times (come to think of it, I am sure it’s been a favorite pastime of every NewYorker at least for some period of time in their life!) and what could be a better way to meet and hangout with my classmates?
So off we went at 11 am in the morning with very interesting and cryptic clues roaming around NYC. The deal was to take as “creative a picture” as possible at each discovered location. I am sharing the places we visited on this post because I think each one was a true find and the thing that connected them all together? You guessed it! (I hope); they were all green shopping locations around different NYC neighborhoods.. So here goes:
1. Sustainable NYC located in Alphabet city, they have amazing gifts and food too.
2. Never knew the green version of a local home depot could be so cool; check out their ceiling design for sure!- Green depot
3. 1st carbon neutral bakery; I have to say they have really really good stuff like pistachio biscuit cake-Little cup cake
4. We got quite lost trying to find this sustainable fashion store, called Reformation..but we were so happy when we found it, we did our little fashion parade outside the store
5. I have to confess I never knew theatre district of times square was called the “great white way”, but that’s where we found one of our clues..A billboard run completely on solar and wind power (and no backup generators mind you!)
6. And lastly, actually the first one was a new LEED building on Columbia campus..
The learning from the day’s visits was IMHO that we can choose to be green and ye do it without too much sacrifice/compromise; we can still wear fashionable clothes or buy yummy cakes or shop earth friendly gifts..all while being sustainable.
Check out some of our fun pictures below